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We want everyone who comes to church to feel welcome and enabled to take part in all our worship and daily life.

To this end, we’ve worked hard to make our building as accessible as possible, but also to create an atmosphere where people are able to engage as best works for them.

Building Accessibility

There is wheelchair access to the church grounds from Bedford Street and Henrietta Street. Our main entrance has a disabled ramp from the courtyard and has two light glass doors. All our pews are moveable and so we are able to create space for wheelchair access.

We are able to create special seating on request and have done this for several parishioners – please speak to Fr. Simon or one of the sidespeople.

We have a disabled access toilet accessed off the foyer. People often walk out to use this during the service and it creates no fuss or distraction to the service. The toilet also contains a baby change facility and there is space to walk or move around if you would like to step away from the main church.

We have a hearing loop in place and sound amplification is very good throughout the building – but not too loud. We are looking into signing at events.

Large print orders of service are available along with large print hymn books. There is always someone available to help you through the service if you find it unfamiliar.

Limited parking for Sunday services only. Please contact the church office to arrange.

Worship Environment & Atmosphere

Our service is very structured. There is no free prayer or deviation from the order of service – this creates a safe space for those who find unstructured environments difficult.

An Order of Service is provided as you arrive to help you participate in the service. There are no screens or projectors in use.

It is perfectly normal for people to leave their seats at any time during the service if they need to ‘take a break’ or just move around to get the blood flowing. This is not unusual. The church foyer is a useful quiet place to go if you find the main body of the church to be too much at any point. There are speakers which we can switch on if you would like to continue listening to the service in the foyer.

If you are unable to come to the communion rail to receive the Blessed Sacrament, please let the Sidespeoples know when you arrive (or during communion) and they will arrange for the Priest to come to you in your seat. This happens regularly and is a normal part of the service.

If you do not wish to go to the communion rail to receive the Blessed Sacrament or a blessing – that is perfectly normal – simply stay in your seat and concentrate on your relationship with God and the Sacrament.

How long are the services?

Parish Eucharist on a Sunday (11am) takes about an hour on average. The Weekday lunchtime Eucharist takes about 40 minutes.

We are a friendly church who will do all we can to make sure you are welcomed and comfortable here. If there’s something you need that we don’t offer or have here, please let us know and we’ll make it happen – no fuss – we’ll just quietly make sure you are happy and comfortable so that you can concentrate on building a relationship with Christ in the sacrament and through prayer.

If you plan to visit and need help please let us know.

Contact the Parish Office in the first instance at or call 020 7836 5221 . We will do our best to help.

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Phone: 1225 6387 020

Email: gro.hcruhcsrotca@ofni

St Pauls Church
Bedford Street

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