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Gas Lamps

There is a campaign to save the historic gas lamps across Westminster, which we have joined.

A statement from the Rev’d Simon Grigg, our Rector.

“St Paul’s Church in Covent Garden (often known as the Actors’ Church) is one of the more famous parts of the City of Westminster.

It was one of the first areas to benefit from the installation of gas lamps in the gardens of the church in the 1880’s. They are of magnificent design, and the quality of the light they emit is rather beautiful. The quality of the light they give out is unusual, but the effect they produce is both quietly beautiful and vaguely other worldly. They absolutely connect us to the London of the past, and are therefore a vital part of the London of the present.

In 2021, St Paul’s made the decision to restore all ten of our lamps. We received virtually no grant aid to complete the project. However, I was adamant that we would not convert them to LED light, since to do so would actually destroy their historical significance but also, and more seriously, destroy the exquisite nature of the light they produce. I’m so proud that these lamps are now looking and working beautifully and as their original designer intended.

St. Paul’s is open daily, so you can always come and look at these wonderful lamps. I just hope that Westminster City Council can be persuaded to conserve THEIR lamps, without destroying their essential character.”

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